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Early Intervention

Early Intervention (EI) is a statewide system providing coordinated services to young children with disabilities and their families. EI is a home and community-based collaboration where you and your team work together to provide ongoing support for your child. Your EI team will include a service coordinator and team of providers who work with you in your home or other places where your family spends its time.

With Riverside EI, parents and caregivers can depend on our experienced team of professions to help them every step of the way with their child's learning and development. 
Early Intervention Goals

Our EI Team provides each child and their support network with the resources and support they need. When providing these services, our EI Team has 4 key goals in mind:

Enhance Development

Enhance development of infants and toddlers with disabilities

Reduce Educational Costs

Reduce educational costs by decreasing need for special education

Maximize Independent Living

Minimize need for institutionalization and maximize independent living

Enrich Family

Enrich family's capacity to meet their child's needs

IDEA: Part C

The mission of IDEA: Part C is to build upon and provide supports and resources that assist families and caregivers with enhancing the child’s learning and development through everyday learning opportunities.

Learn more >
Principles of EI

Everyday Experiences

Infants and toddlers learn best in everyday experiences and interactions with familiar people in familiar contexts.

Families are Key

All families, with essential supports and resources, can enhance their child's development.

Hands Red

We Support Families

An EI service provider's main role is to work with and support family members and caregivers.


The EI process, from initial contact through transition, must be dynamic and individualized to the preference, learning styles and cultural beliefs of the child and their family.

Functional Outcomes

IFSP outcomes must be functional and based on the needs and priorities of the child and their family.

Families First

The family's priorities, needs and interests are addressed most appropriately by a primary provider who represents and receives team and community support.

Researched & Proven

Interventions with the child and their family must be based on explicit principles, validated practices, best available research and relevant laws and regulations.

Family's Role

  • Recognize the critical role caregivers play in your child's development

  • Set goals based on how your child's progress fits with your family's priorities

  • Learn from the team so you can work with your child during your family's everyday routines between visits from your service provider.

The EI
Team's Role

  • Base services on child and family's interests

  • Partner with parents/caregivers

  • Focus on enhancing child and family participation in community experiences

  • Use team's expertise to meet the family's goals for their child's development

  • Help families find resources

  • Answer families' questions

Meet our EI Team

Made up of developmental specialists and therapists, Miami County's EI Team is equipped to answer your questions, listen to your concerns and support your family.

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Taylor Von Duhn

Developmental Specialist Manager

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Bethany Covault

Developmental Specialist

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Kaye Sholtis

Developmental Specialist & LSW

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Kaelyn Foreman

Service Coordinator

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Tasha Gullett

Service Coordinator

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Kalesha Peacock

Service Coordinator

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Becky Perry

Service Coordinator

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Kathy Greenawalt-Cherry, LSW, M.Ed.

Early Intervention Director, Developmental Specialist

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Sara Baker

Developmental Specialist

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Lesly Hecker

Developmental Specialist & LSW

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Tricia Richardson

Developmental Specialist

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Christina Back

Service Coordinator

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Penny Hines

Occupational Therapist

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Diane Dynes

Speech Therapist

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Karen Lohnes

Physical Therapist

Developmental Specialist

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LaRita Condon

Speech & Language Pathologist

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Jennifer Drees

Occupational Therapist

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Katie Swanberg

Speech & Language Pathologist

EI Autism Programs

If you have a child between the ages of 0-2 and suspect s/he has autism, contact (937) 440-3000.

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