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Meet Our Team - Brenda Miller, Behavior Support Coordinator

Name: Brenda Miller

Current Title: Behavior Support Coordinator

Years of Service: 8 years

City: Vandalia

Adult female holding male toddler on lap
Brenda with her grandson

What do you like to do in your spare time?

My extra time goes to spending time with my adult children and eight grandkids!

What is your favorite...

Restaurant/Food: I LOVE FOOD! ANY!

Movie: Pretty Woman or anything with Sandra Bullock

Book: The Bridge Across Forever by Richard Bach

Music: Anything country

If you could travel anywhere, money aside, where would you go?

Tropical island

What is a fun fact about you?

My husband and I live in different states.

How would you describe your job?

I develop Behavioral Assessments and support strategies for our folks with challenging behaviors.

Two adult females posting for picture at professional conference
Megan Barhorst and Brenda at NADD Conference

What do you enjoy most about your job?

When I have been part of making a positive difference in one of our individual's lives.

Pictured on left: Megan Barhorst, Riverside Behavior Support Coordinator, and Brenda were recognized at the 2019 NADD Conference for their collaborative work helping those with dual-diagnosis (mental health and I/DD).

Read about Megan and Brenda's recognition at the NADD Conference in an article published in the Winter 2020 ABLE Magazine.


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